“Live. Love. Laugh....”
Hello and welcome to Kariba Photography! I’m excited to share this site and space with you.
I’m a lovable, hip and fresh photographer who loves capturing the now. I specialize in natural light photography with a bold and vibrant approach to the way I capture my clients. Let’s get to know me a little better shall we?
CEO - Creative Events & Design LLC. Fun fact, the name came to me in a dream while asleep in my dorm room while in college.
National & Internationally published photographer.
My favorite colors are Green, Pink, Orange and Yellow in that order. Oh and I can’t forget black… haha I wear a lot of black with splashes of colors here and there.
Nigerian American, and love to travel.
Play the piano and violin… and on occasion you’ll hear me sing. I love the Arts.
I graduated from Washington State University - Go Cougs!
Fun big hair and it matches my personality! I’m always switching it up.
During sessions I can’t stop myself from singing. It’s always something different too. Unfortunately, I hardly remember the full lyrics to the songs I sing. So it becomes a group effort.
It all started back when I was a little girl. I always loved taking pictures. It went from disposable cameras to multiple compact flash cameras to my first digital SLR camera! Whew… what a journey, and I’m still on it. My father owned a film camera where he would photograph my siblings and I on special occasions. We normally wore dresses now that I think back! The good ‘ol days!
Laughter is key in most everything that I do! Why not find humor in our day-to-day lives. Since we do not get ‘second’ chances with the moments we create in our lives, it is so important to capture the now so that yesterday will never be forgotten. I see photography as a way to create your version of history. Nobody will be able to tell your story better than you. Having snapshots throughout your years is such an amazing tool to look back on when compiling the memories to pass down to the next generation.
January 2024 marks 14yrs as a professional photographer. The journey has been amazing. I have traveled the world with my camera in hand and I do have to say I couldn’t picture my life any other way. I truly love working with my clients. It’s more than just a session, wedding or event. It’s a full blown experience from start to finish. I pour my heart and soul into each interaction and I can truly say that it shows in my work. History has been told for many of year through the Arts. I like to say I’m a visual historian helping others create their own storylines for future generations. The modern version of cave drawings with a twist!